Vivian Lefebvre: Boomerang Fitness Personal Fitness Trainer

Vivian Lefebvre, Personal Fitness Trainer, for Boomerang Fitness talks about keeping her fitness training knowledge up to date. 

1. How important is it to have the right certifications and education to be a trainer/instructor?

It is very important for the safety of clients and to help them reach their goals effectively.

2. How do you identify a client’s needs to help them reach their goals?

Develop a rapport; ask them about their goals and most importantly WHY they have these goals. Often you end up learning more about them and what makes them tick. All goals must be SMART.

3. How do you keep your fitness training knowledge up to date?

I constantly read professional journals and websites for new info/ideas. I also learn from educational seminars offered by ACE and other industry organizations as well as talking to other trainers. I would love to attend the IDEA conference next year.

4. How important is it to build a client’s confidence as you train them?

Assuming you mean confidence in themselves, it is imperative. As workouts progress and become more challenging, clients must believe that they can do it and not get hurt. Self-efficacy is a critical component for the client’s long-term success.

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